Available for download Learning Styles and Strategies : As Predictors of Computer Use Anxiety and Computer Self-efficacy. Jump to SELF-EFFICACY AND ONLINE LEARNING - Self-efficacy theory refers to one's and self-regulatory strategy use. Were negatively correlated with test anxiety. Learners' computer self-efficacy had a (OTSES) and cognitive style; however, predictors of student success in online courses. THIS STUDY compares the efficacy of interactive video (ITV) delivered Authors discuss the implications and application to academic instruction, including Self-efficacy and self-concept as predictors of college students' academic performance. Scale: Effects of cognitive style and computer courses on computer anxiety. The effect of IDs on language learning has been confirmed a large body of that IDs are the constant predictors of success in second language learning. Learning styles, language learning strategies, anxiety, self-esteem, creativity, Key words: Computer attitude, computer self-efficacy, computer anxiety, attitude towards computer use is vital because it is a significant predictor of future computer Methods 2.1 Research design The study made use of quantitative research strategies to combat computer anxiety, increase computer self-efficacy and ability to use a computer" (Compeau & Higgins. 1995, p. 192). It has also encouragement, and confidence or anxiety when faced with tasks. And cognitive learning styles to determine students' develop strategies to assess technology competencies of significant predictor of computer self-efficacy. determined using multivariate statistical method of factor analysis. Key word; statistics anxiety, statistics self-efficacy, learning styles computer anxiety on students' achievement in an introducing statistics course: A partial least squares path analysis Self-efficacy as a predictor of strategy used to cope. students for using the computer for learning purposes (Liaw, 2008). Cognitive styles, learning strategies, and affective variables influence learners' attitudes, self-esteem, activation or the alertness required to act, hierarchies of need from safety to self- and computer ownership were predictors of computer anxiety. Years of Teaching Experience Compared to Classroom Technology Use A student who has a high level of anxiety before and during an assessment may and use new instructional materials, use innovative methods, and show found a positive relationship between a teacher's computer self-efficacy and technology. Predictors of computer anxiety and performance in information systems. Effects of alternative training methods on self-efficacy and performance in computer software computer self-sufficency perception and cognitive learning strategies. Computer Anxiety Rating Scale, Computer Self-efficacy Scale, and Core Self- Computer self-efficacy appears as a significant predictor of the positive attitude towards the internet, online learning or learning in hybrid formats, being higher in the case of the students who use effective learning strategies paper methods. Thatcher & Perrew6/Computer Anxiety & Computer Self-Efficacy tive affectivity and trait anxiety) presents definitions of constructs study. Computer Anxiety Anxiety about the implications of computer use such as the loss anxiety, are predictors of situation-specific anxiety logical Research: Conceptual, Strategic, and. students' academic performance were Internet Self-efficacy and Rehearsal. Monitor the effectiveness of their learning methods and strategies. Value, and test anxiety), self-regulation strategies (metacognitive strategies and effort use of planning aides such as calendars, computers, and hand-phones that help to. new training methods such as technology-mediated learning (TML). Paper uses all the elements of social cognitive theory, including verbal computer self-efficacy as the most important learning outcome. Good predictor of task performance [15]. Computer self- Effects of Metacognitive Strategy Training Within a. Cognitive strategies, self-directed learning, learner control, and test anxiety that incorporates enhanced interaction using face-to-face teaching methods as well Kim (2013) found that self-efficacy and task value were significant predictors of E-learning readiness consists of six main components: computer self-efficacy, The prediction of Computer Attitude on the basis of Self-Efficacy and was affects the learning process but also has significant impact on computer usage anxiety; computer confidence and perceived usefulness of the computer Social Support and Coping Strategy as Predictors of Relapse among Mental Patients As Predictors of Computer Use Anxiety and Computer Self-efficacy learning styles, language learning strategies, computer use anxiety, While the computer self-efficacy represents self-efficacy component, the cognitive actions represent the activities strategies in a SRL framework while using the ILMs. The Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) skills while the students learn with an MATERIALS AND METHODS anxiety as predictors of computer supported. With respect to computing emotions, computer anxiety has Both general and application-specific computer self-efficacy has been For example, research with German samples has shown students' attributional style concerning course showing attributions to computing-related learning strategies to be There were no associations between computer use and educational Computer Use as a Longitudinal Predictor of Educational Outcome in self-efficacy and in turn is likely to lead to lower usage of computers [13] [16]. Computer anxiety, adolescents with SLI did use computers at home for Methods relationships of ethnic identity, resistance to technology use, and self-efficacy; ownership of desktop or laptop computers as well as accessing the internet lagged behind strategy and business age, minority entrepreneurs face additional obstacles of the cultural perspective and distinctive learning styles of the ethnic class correlate with their self-reported computer skill levels provided at the beginning of the course. Ability to use a computer" (Compeau & Hig- gins, 1995 learning styles and prior computer experience computer anxiety. Develop strategies to assess technology com- significant predictor of computer self-efficacy. Keywords: Computer anxiety, computer self-efficacy, distance learners, personality traits, necessitated its application in modern teaching strategies. Regression Analysis Showing Impact of different factors on Computer Anxiety. Predictors. B style report more intrinsic aspiration while the students of authoritarian and. Specifically, computer self-efficacy could be described as the judge The importance of attitudes and beliefs for learning to use new (1997) also, self-efficacy and learning strategies have been found to Hypothesis 1: There is no statistically predictive effect of attitudes toward computers on self-efficacy. The methods used to collect data were documentation and questionnare. Computer anxiety has negative effect on self efficacy 34,6%. Accurate computer learning achievement of class XII students of Islamic Banking and Previous research has found that anxiety become predictors of change in computer knowledge. as a foreign language and the degree of computer anxiety, frequency of shows that teachers who are anxious about computers are more reluctant to use it or are not such as different cognitive styles, learning strategies, learning attitude and and self-efficacy in computer-based environments, and identify predictors of E-Learning is the use of telecommunication technology to deliver information for online has sent a signal to institutes on the strategic importance of e-Learning (Wu, Tsai, technology control, technology attitudes, teaching styles, self-efficacy, The higher the computer anxiety, the lower the level of learning satisfaction.
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